Various Techniques of Massages for Children
When using various techniques of massages for children it is wise to use an essential oil. Children with chronic inflammation can benefit from the oils as they have anti-inflammatory properties in them. These essential oils can reduce the chronic inflammation and may even get rid of them altogether.
Major illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, etc., have been known to be the root cause of these major illnesses.
When using essential oils on a child you can have the child inhale the oils, apply them onto the child as you massage him or her. A great place to rub the essential oils is in the feet as this area will carry the oils throughout the entire body. You can even find essential oils that are ingestible. Make sure you read the label carefully so you know if it is to be used internally. If the oil is only to be used externally- do not ingest it.
One of the various techniques of massages for children includes Swedish massage. When performing this type of massage on your child, you will use soothing, tapping and kneading strokes. By using these techniques on the entire body you will relieve muscle tension and loosen sore joints.
There are five basic strokes you can use when massaging your child. They are:
Petrissage where you will lightly grab and lift the certain area.
Friction where you will use your thumbs and fingertips to work deep circles into the thickest part of your child’s muscles.
Tapotement which is chopping, beating and tapping strokes on your child.
Lastly you will use vibration where your fingers are pressed or flattened very firmly on your child’s muscle and then you shake the area rapidly just for a few seconds.
Another one of the various techniques of massages for children include neuromuscular massage. This is a form of DTM or deep tissue massage that is applied to your child’s individual muscles. Neuromuscular massage is used to help increase blood flow, reduce pain and release pressure on nerves that are caused by injuries to muscles and other soft tissue. You will release trigger points in your child when using this type of massage technique. This type of massage will also get rid of intense knots of tense muscles that can also refer pain to other parts of your child’s body. For example, if you relieve a tense trigger point in your child’s back, your child may no longer have or have reduced pain in his or her leg.
Another type of various techniques of massages for children includes deep tissue massage. When performing deep tissue massage you will help to get rid of the tension in your child’s muscles. You will use slow strokes, direct pressure or friction movements that go across the grain of your child’s muscles. You will use your fingers, thumbs and even your elbows to apply the pressure that is needed to get rid of your child’s tension.
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