Tips for a Healthy Massage
A whole day of work can bring exhaust and health problems to our bodies. Why not have a massage rest in the evening or noon breaks? It is a good idea to do exchange massage between two partners, for massage can make whole body relaxed and reduce some illness risks. However, bad massage could cause serious body injury, so it’s necessary to know some tips for healthy massage.
Keep your hands in good conditions
You are not advised to make use of lotions or oils at the start of a massage. They can be helpful only if massage hand are in good conditions. Hands are considered as most important tools for good massage. It’s better to keep hands warm, clean and tender, which makes massage comfortable and healthy. Unclean hands may pass virus to the massage receivers. Fingernails should also be kept well not to leave skin injury on the one who take your massage.
Keep proper posture
Body relaxation plays a important role in massage. Good posture can help keep receivers’ body relaxed. Receivers are advised to lie down without benting parts. You can put something under the feet of the receiver, which help him keep balance of whole body and reduce pressure on the lower parts of his body.
Aware massage reactions
In massage process, you should be aware of the receiver’s body and feeling reactions. Make sure not to press too hard. Over-pressure on body parts may cause unexpected injuries. You can ask the receiver how he feel. Avoid some massage skills that are likely to cause pain. There are many skills that will not cause discomforts. Take a short break in the process and injury would be less likely to happen.
All in all, massage could release us from work tensions and it can be good for our overall health if we get good command of it.
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