The Best Massage in the World
There is nothing like getting a massage. You walk in with tight muscles, pain in your back and stress up the Wazoo but when you come out all your troubles are kneaded away by the very capable hands of the therapist administering the massage. Imagine if you can provide the same feeling for the people that you love, like your spouse or girlfriend. The rewards may not come in monetary remunerations but you can definitely see it in the way she looks at you and the perks you will be getting afterwards.
To be able to provide the best possible massage you must begin with the proper setting. For an intimate therapeutic session to be successful the venue has to have the right conditions. To set the mood right, make sure that the lights are dimmed. If the room you are planning to use does not have a dimmer, then one can turn off the lights and light up some candles. Make sure that your area is also quiet because you need that silence in order to avoid distractions.
Aside from the venue, you also need to provide some paraphernalia that will make the massage itself pleasurable. The first thing you will need is some aromatic oils. One can buy specialized oils that have aroma therapeutic benefits. If you do not have access to massage oils, you can also make use of various lotions. If that still does not appeal to you, consider using vegetable oil because it has the right viscosity to help your hand glide through the body.
Aside from Massage oils, you also need some way to cover the areas that you have finished massaging. After a rubdown, heat is generally generated. This heat can be healing to the muscles but it can also easily dissipate if left exposed. A simple towel should suffice as an effective cover for those aching muscles.
Now that we have all the preparation covered it is now time to get to the massage itself. Before you begin, have her lie face down on a soft but firm surface. A firm mattress or a futon should be excellent options. Straddle her while being mindful of your weight. Start with soft and slow strokes using the palm of your hand. This will get her used to your touch. Once she grows accustomed to your touch, you can start focusing on larger muscle groups. Start with the back with some soft kneading. With a soft relaxing voice, speak to her to ensure that your pressure is not too hard or too soft.
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To conclude you massage, wipe off any excess oils. This will signify that the session is over. Make sure to spend some time with your partner and talk about the whole experience. Also, make sure that there is something to drink available, like tea or juice, because people are usually thirsty after a good rubdown.
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