Learn Massage in 3 Easy Steps

Apply enough oil (or moisturiser if you don’t have oil) so that flat hands can just slide over the back.

Note: Make sure you NEVER MASSAGE THE SPINE. You can massage the muscles just next to the spine but never put pressure on the spine itself.

Level 1 strokes are the lightest. They are designed to warm up the muscles, ready for the deeper strokes. Level 2 is a bit deeper, designed to warm further and knead out tight spots. Once the muscles are warmed up, Level 3 is designed to really iron out knots and release tension in really tight muscles.

When you are doing level 3 strokes, ask the person how hard you can press remembering that different muscles are more sensitive than others. For example the muscles supporting the spine can handle quite deep level three where as you will need to press a lot lighter on neck muscles.

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1. Level 1

Start by using flat hands and applying level 1 pressure. My favourite stroke is figure of 8 stroke. Stand on one side of the body, place two hands side by side on the lower back. The two hands follow each other in a figure of 8 motion. Do this up the body to the shoulders and then back down. Repeat 8 or so times. This stoke is hard to master so practice on your leg or on a pillow!

2. Level 2

I will explain two different level 2 techniques. 1. Using the heel of your hand. Place a flat hand on the back, knead tight spots with the heel of your hand up to where up to where your fingertips are. Don’t apply any pressure with your fingers, just use them to stabalise your hand or you will pinch the skin and muscle. 2. Pick up and knead tissue between your thumb and the rest of your fingers in a wipe on, wipe off motion. Don’t let your thumb and little finger touch as this will pinch the skin or muscle. This stroke will take some practice.

3. Level 3

For this stroke, use the deepest pressure the person can take. Position your body high enough above the person that you can extend your arm from the shoulder straight down. Extend your thumb in line with your arm. You use your thumbs to apply the deep pressure, using your body weight rather than tiring yourself out. You use this stroke for knots and muscles that support the spine.

Happy massaging!

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