5 Ways To Make A Good Massage Experience Even BETTER!

As a massage therapist, I am always trying to find ways to help my clients get the most out of their massage experience. Here are a five easy-to-implement ways to turn a good massage into a GREAT one!


There’s nothing worse than stressing out, working up a sweat, and screaming at other drivers when you’re running late on the way to a massage or reflexology session.

Give yourself extra time so you can arrive a few minutes early and relax in the waiting room prior to your session. If you are late or are stuck in traffic, just take a couple deep breaths and know you’ll be there soon.

Stressing out will not get you there sooner and will also make it harder for you to relax once you are there.


We are a helping people. As such, many of us are inspired to try to help during a massage session. We lift our leg or arm or neck, in anticipation of the therapist’s move.

Please, please, I beg of you… DON’T HELP! It’s much more difficult for therapists to work with a flexed muscle than a relaxed muscle. We’d prefer to do the work (it’s our job!).

So please, just relax, and let us take care of everything. When you are thinking about what we’re going to do next, you’re NOT relaxing.


Is the pressure too deep? Let us know.

Would you prefer NOT to have facial massage? Tell us!

We cannot give you the best possible session unless we know exactly what you want.

Are you worried about asking for something different because you don’t want to hurt your therapist’s feelings? Trust me, you WON’T hurt our feelings.

We’d MUCH rather have you communicate clearly about what you want rather than have you go away unhappy!


We live in a body conscious culture. As such, some people come in embarrassed about their bodies.

Rest assured. Therapists are people who have a great reverence for the body. We love all shapes, all sizes, all bodies.

Ladies, we don’t care if you didn’t shave your legs today. Gentlemen, we don’t care if you have a hairy back. If we did, we wouldn’t be in this business.


It can be stressful to have to rush out of bodywork session in order to get to another appointment or engagement.

While it’s not always realistic to totally clear your schedule after a session, try to plan for a lighter activity day.

Though some people feel energized after a session, the majority of us are actually pretty sleepy and relaxed…a ten mile run is probably not in the cards for the day.

So, if at all possible, try to minimize the things you plan for after your session. Allow yourself the opportunity to ride the wave of relaxation the whole day through!

Here’s to your health!

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