Posts Tagged ‘ lipomassage

Using Massage to Reduce Cellulite

Can cellulite massage get rid of that dimpled skin on your thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen?

First, let’s look at what cellulite is. According to the Mayo Clinic, as fat cells beneath the skin enlarge, they push up against the skin. At the same time, connective cords that attach the skin to the underlying muscle pull down. The effect is an uneven surface or dimpling, called cellulite.

Women are far more likely than men to develop cellulite. One big factor in who develops the condition may be genetics. Other risk factors for developing cellulite include stress, inactivity, and using hormonal contraceptives.

Using Massage for Cellulite

Cellulite massage is based on the theory that vigorous massage will reduce excess fluid, increase blood flow, and remove toxins in the areas with cellulite, leading to reduced fatty deposits.

While massage will probably not completely remove cellulite, massage may improve how the cells function and temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. Helpful massage techniques may include draining, stroking, smoothing, and cupping. Although cellulite massage rollers are available for home use, no evidence suggests they are effective.

One cellulite massage option often available in spas is Lipomassage, which uses a hand-held machine to knead you skin between rollers. Although Lipomassage claims that it can permanently get rid of stubborn fat that is resistant to physical exercise and dieting, the Mayo Clinic writes that you may see a slight improvement after this treatment, but the results are temporary.

An interesting side note is that two medical therapies being tested for cellulite include massage. One therapy combines negative tissue massage, infrared light, and radiofrequency. Another therapy combines massage with diode laser energy.

The use of massage for cellulite is controversial. Some people say it works great, while others say, at best, massage temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite. If you want to try massage for cellulite, ask your massage therapist what you can expect from the treatments and how long it will take to see results.

Aromatherapy Massage for Cellulite

Massage with essential oil blends may also help reduce the appearance of cellulite. One possible blend is:
2 drops fennel
2 drops juniper
5 drops bergamot
5 drops cypress
5 drops geranium
5 drops grapefruit
2 ounces vegetable oil

Combine the oils. For home use, rub the blend directly on cellulite once a day. (Spot test the blend first to make sure you are not sensitive to it.) Or ask your massage therapist about aromatherapy massage.