Posts Tagged ‘ body massage

Body Massage: Rubbing Technique

Did you know rubbing is one of the many techniques of massaging? If you are a massage therapist, you would also know about rolling, pressing, kneading, rubbing and much more. This article will discuss the rubbing method used in massages. A rubbing massage is also known as friction massage.

The question is how do you perform a good rubbing? You must make the pressure from your fingers or palms strong enough to stay stationary on the surface of the skin and moving the layers below. Perhaps the best explanation for you is a hair wash at the salon. You will notice that the hair assistant rubs your head without moving her fingers much. This is exactly the same movement produced when performing a rubbing massage.

There are 3 types of rubbing massages.

Miser’s rub

This massage is best suited for the client’s toes and fingers.


This is done by planting your hands securely. Then you move the skin over the tissues in small circles. You can also perform this by doing a longer oval shape type of circular motion on longer limbs like the hands and legs.

Cross fiber

You must first understand that muscle fibers are set up in one direction. For example, your bicep muscles runs from your shoulder to your elbow, up and down. During the cross fiber massage, you rub in a cross-wise direction, against the muscle fiber direction. Who can benefit most from the cross fiber massage? People who are have just suffered a muscle injury. The massage promotes healing of the scar tissue.