Get the Benefit of a Massage At Home – Buy a Massage Recliner Chair

Who wouldn’t love to get a massage every day of the week and at any time of his or her choice? It is a well known fact that massages are extremely relaxing and that they also have plenty of therapeutic properties. People get massaged when they suffer from a great deal of stress in their lives. The act of being massaged causes endorphins to be released in your body. These ‘happy’ chemicals help to make your mood very elevated. Endorphins are also natural painkillers and they help you handle a variety of stresses and ailments. If you suffer from regular aches and pains in your muscles, you will benefit greatly from being massaged.

Massaging also helps to increase the blood circulation in your body. This also helps to keep you looking and feeling young for a very long time. Your improved blood circulation helps in the elimination of toxins. It also helps in taking nutrients to the far off parts of your body, thereby improving and hastening the process of cell rejuvenation. Massages are a very effective way of retaining one’s youth, vigor and vitality.

If there is only one drawback to massages, it is that they are quite expensive. You will have to pay a good deal of money in order to get these done, as a result of which you will not get them done as often as you want. Getting massaged every week or fortnight is really nice but it is simply not sufficient to get rid of all your aches and pains. Of course, massages do have other disadvantages. You have to locate a good masseuse and to fix appointments to go there. This can be quite a nuisance if you are a very busy person who can hardly be expected to take blocks of time out of your schedule in order to get massaged. Massages can also be quite messy especially if they make use of a lot of oil. Another problem you might face is if you are required to remove your clothes in order to be massaged.

There is a very simple solution to the problem. All you need to do is invest in a massage recliner chair so that you can get massaged as often as you need. These chairs are quite expensive but you will be quite happy to spend money on them when you start using them. If you are the owner of one of these chairs you can get massages any day you want. You do not need to worry about fixing appointments with a masseuse and taking time out of your schedule. The benefits are multiplied when more than one person in the family uses the chair in order to get massaged.

There are plenty of massage recliner chairs available in the market, which makes it very easy for you to find one that suits your requirements exactly. Make your selection well so that you enjoy years of massages from it. The only problem is that you will have to move your family members from the chair in order to get your turn on it!

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy include a deep state of relaxation, release of tight, tension filled muscles and increased blood circulation to the areas which are massaged with stones. But, there are other amazing, unexpected benefits of hot stone massage therapy.

This is one of those types of massage therapy that, if you’ve never had it before, can really be a powerful experience.

The level of intense relaxation is that great!

Hot Stone Massage Therapy is performed with stones that have been allowed to rest in water that has been heated to around 120 degrees. Stones are placed in specific areas of the client’s body to open meridians (or energy pathways).

The heated stones are placed on muscles to warm them instantly and provide an immediate sensation of relaxation. The greatest benefit of this therapy is that it also allows the therapist to perform deep tissue work without unnecessary pain for the client.

Other benefits of this therapy include:

1. Reduction of Stress – As you feel the warm stones moving over your body, it is almost as if they are melting the stress away. Until you experience this treatment, you really cannot even imagine how accurate this description truly is!

2. Calms the Mind – Yes, massage therapy has this ability to take us to another place. Some even describe it as a one hour vacation, where we are actually escaping the reality of life for an hour or so. But, hot stone massage therapy takes us farther, to an even greater realm of relaxation. You can get so caught up in the heat of the stones that your mind releases the worries, stresses, and confusions of everyday life!

3. Reduces pain – Heat has this ability, because it warms our muscles and allows more natural blood flow (as opposed to the unnatural restriction of blood flow we experience with tight muscles) to make muscles relax. When muscles are relaxed, pain is reduced.

4. Releases toxin and waste build-up – Everyone has this buildup of toxin and waste around the muscles. Because the muscles are relaxed during hot stone massage, it allows the toxins to be “pushed away” and they begin their journey of exit from our bodies, and that’s where we want them- out of our system. Continuous waste and toxin build-up can lead to sickness and disease. So, get massage and send them on their way!

5. Increased blood circulation – Our blood carries the oxygen and nutrients needed for healing and basic survival. Tight muscles decrease circulation and increases the strain on your heart. This can make you feel tired and weak. With massage, and especially hot stone massage, there is an increase in the body’s oxygen, which increases red blood cell count, which helps to bring even more oxygen to your body’s cells.

So you can see how this treatment can go far beyond offering a deep state of relaxation, release of tight muscles and increased blood circulation. It may actually rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit.

Hot stone massage therapy is beneficial for patients with fibromyalgia, pain syndromes, arthritis, insomnia and many other health problems.

What Are the Features to Look for in a Hand Held Back Massager?

If back pains are a regular occurrence for you, it will help to invest money in a back massager. Having a hand held back massager around your home allows you to soothe your back pains instantly, allowing you to jump back to whatever you were doing.

There are, however, several features to look for to ensure that you get your money’s worth. First though, you should know the numerous perks before concentrating on these features. This way, you’ll be able to identify which features to look for in a hand held back massager are the most important. If you are unfamiliar with the new massage settings, try all the features and see how they work. Try massage programs to get an idea of the different force levels. If the gadget has removable parts, try those out, too.

There are lots of things to consider when buying an efficient massager since the market now offers a number of choices. Be critical of the products on display and don’t be influenced by persuasive advertising. For those who are first time buyers, you will be safe in choosing among the more popular brands, the ones with positive customer feedback. Online shoppers will find it easier to look for customer feedback and comments since these are usually posted in the same selling page.

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After having weighed the above, it’s time for you to focus on the type of motor the back massager is built with. Make sure it is of high quality and that it is specifically designed to target the main problem you have with your back. Various types of back massagers are mostly designed to ease a particular type of back pain. It would be better to buy one that has the widest target areas.

After all that has been said, there are two more important features left: heat and intensity settings. Although, it really depends on your own preference, massagers that employ heat tend to be more efficient in easing back pains. One word of advice, choose a massager with user-friendly programming and settings to spare you from a lot of hassles. Programmable ones allow you to customize the duration of the massage.

These pointers are the most important things to think about if you’re hoping to buy an effective hand held back massager. There are lots of brands and models to choose from in various online shops. Just make sure you also pay attention to the additional fees and shipping charges so you won’t end up shelling more than what you’re willing to after you’ve made the purchase.

Which Type of Oil Is Best for Your Massage?

Massage Oils have been regarded as the massage practitioner’s strongest friend. They help him/her provide a stress-melting touch for clients, and promote a release of anxiety, stress and tension.

When a massage therapist chooses the type of massage oil that they will use on a daily basis, it is done with much care.

They not only consider the ingredients in the oil (vitamins, minerals, etc.), but the oil will help the client in the healing process.

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Of course, they must consider price, as well as how it warms as it is applied to the skin.

Natural, pure massage oils are chemical-free and cold-pressed. They provide the smoothest glide possible.

The most popular types of oil used for massage and their benefits are:

Almond oil is perfect for dry skin. It is very light when applied and contains Vitamins A, B1, B6, and E.

This oil is typically a cold-pressed olive oil with arnica extract. It is anti-inflammatory and great for bruises, irritation and sore, inflamed muscles.

Jojoba (pronounced ho-HO-ba) is an extract of the seed of the jojoba tree (Simmondsia chinenis). It is a pure, cold-pressed oil that is rich in Vitamin E, resembling the body’s own natural oil. The best thing about this oil is that it won’t become rancid and start to smell in your massage room.

The negative is that it can be expensive for the pure, organic oil. Just remember, with this oil a little goes a long way.

This is a natural, light, massage oil. It absorbs easily into skin and nourishes skin with many nutrients. It is also an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-histamine, and anti-aging oil. It is great to help treat arthritis, dermatitis, acne, dry skin, and sun burns.

It is very economical, but the residue can become rancid on table linens and on the shelf.

Making the most of your massage oil

Adding essential oils to a pure massage oil is another option for many therapists.

A massage oil recipe will often include drops of essential oils to treat specific ailments such as fatigue, stress, anxiety and pain. Often, only a few drops of essential oil is required for each recipe.

A massage oil warmer is another necessity for a massage practitioner. It can heat the oil to provide instant relaxation and stress relief for the client.

When you combine the soothing touch of a massage therapist, the aromatic scent of the essential oils, the warmth of a properly heated lubricant, slow massage music and the best massage oil for your client, you’ve set the stage for true relaxation and rest.

Risks Involved In Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is undeniably beneficial to your physical and psychological aspect because of the fact that it is an effective way to gradually eliminate stress, pain and tension from both the body and mind. There are a lot of massage techniques that a therapist can practice and all of these techniques involve pressure application, stretching, rubbing, etc. in order to somehow heal the tensioned muscles and damaged tissues in the body. Swedish massage technique, deep tissue and shiatsu are just some of the most popular techniques/styles that therapists practice for quite some time now. Each of these techniques simply differs from how they are applied to the body but they can all definitely make you feel relieved and relaxed. But despite of this, you should also know that there are some risks associated to it that you must not take for granted. You have to take into account that not all people get good benefits from it because there are some that even suffered more after going through a massage therapy.

There are some risks factors that you need to look into and first on the list has something to do with the therapist or the masseuse. Most of the time, massage therapy is being performed by a therapist especially if you visit a spa or a massage salon. But not just because you are inside a licensed spa or salon, it does not automatically mean that the therapists inside the establishment are professional and licensed. You have to remember that professional and licensed therapist are paid higher than those that are not and this is why there are some massage therapy businesses that consider the option of hiring just any therapist. This is definitely against the regulations and laws but there are businesses that are able to get away to get away with this kind of practice. And if you are getting a massage from a therapist with no license, then you are taking a lot of risks. The therapist may not be able to do the job well and make your condition worst. This can really be a serious problem.

This particular situation can be prevented if you are going to use a massage chair instead or any other types of massage equipments because these things are designed to perform the job well. But the problem is when you do not own the equipment and you are not the only using it. The equipment can be a medium to transmit a certain illness from one person to another. This simply implies that massage equipment should always be disinfected after using it.

You are also taking a huge amount of risks when you have a very weak skeletal system. Whether you are going to use a massage chair or visit a therapist, pressure and force will still be applied on your body. So instead of reducing stress and tension, there is a great possibility that you will suffer from bone fracture. So before getting a massage, make sure that you are visiting a licensed and professional therapist. If you are going to use a massage equipment, make sure that you are using it right and it is always being disinfected. And of course, you have to consult your doctor first if massage can make you feel better or not.

Massage Therapy – Some Things You Need to Know

Even thousands of years ago, in different parts of the world, there are already people who practice the art of massage therapy and many people were able to benefit from it. Although these people were able to go through proper training, they did manage to make use of the massage therapy for healing and relaxation. But at present, you can find a lot of massage schools in different places and they all offer good training for those people who are interested to become massage therapists. These schools even provide information and training about human’s anatomy, physiology, neuromuscular therapy and all other fields that has something to do with massage therapy.

On the other hand, there are numerous benefits that you can enjoy with massage as long as it is being performed by a professional and licensed therapist. Anyone can actually perform different types of massage techniques but the problem lies when they will not be performed properly. Instead of feeling better and relaxed after the session, you might feel more pain and later on suffer from serious problems like bone fracture. Getting a massage does not actually have any major drawbacks provided that you are responsible enough and you are taking all the important things into consideration. For instance, before making an appointment with a therapist especially if it’s your first time, you have to consult your doctor first or ask some information from the therapist first. If you are pregnant, it is important that you ask if the therapist is trained to do prenatal massage. In this way, you will be able to determine the best massage technique for you. You have to remember that there are almost a hundred massage techniques/styles that can be performed by a therapist.

But aside from a therapist, you can also consider another option of getting a massage and this is through using a robotic massage chair. Unlike before, massage chairs now are already designed to also perform a large variety of massage techniques like Swedish massage, Shiatsu and many more. You will be able to find a lot of massage chairs sold online and in actual stores that are made by world-renowned manufacturers like Sanyo, Panasonic, etc. These chairs also come in different materials, design, styles and some added features. So if you are planning to regularly get a massage but you do not want to constantly visit a spa or massage salon, this is a very good alternative to look into.

In general, massage therapy is definitely beneficial for people who suffer from stress, muscle tension, back pain, etc., like you. Although there are some minor disadvantages and risks involve, these are not enough to defy the benefits that it can offer to both the body and mind. As long as it is being performed by professional, trained and licensed therapists, you won’t have to worry so much because they exactly know what to do. But if you are using a massage chair, all you have to do is to make sure that the equipment is working properly and that you are also using it properly.

Massage Therapy – Some Things You Need to Know

Even thousands of years ago, in different parts of the world, there are already people who practice the art of massage therapy and many people were able to benefit from it. Although these people were able to go through proper training, they did manage to make use of the massage therapy for healing and relaxation. But at present, you can find a lot of massage schools in different places and they all offer good training for those people who are interested to become massage therapists. These schools even provide information and training about human’s anatomy, physiology, neuromuscular therapy and all other fields that has something to do with massage therapy.

On the other hand, there are numerous benefits that you can enjoy with massage as long as it is being performed by a professional and licensed therapist. Anyone can actually perform different types of massage techniques but the problem lies when they will not be performed properly. Instead of feeling better and relaxed after the session, you might feel more pain and later on suffer from serious problems like bone fracture. Getting a massage does not actually have any major drawbacks provided that you are responsible enough and you are taking all the important things into consideration. For instance, before making an appointment with a therapist especially if it’s your first time, you have to consult your doctor first or ask some information from the therapist first. If you are pregnant, it is important that you ask if the therapist is trained to do prenatal massage. In this way, you will be able to determine the best massage technique for you. You have to remember that there are almost a hundred massage techniques/styles that can be performed by a therapist.

But aside from a therapist, you can also consider another option of getting a massage and this is through using a robotic massage chair. Unlike before, massage chairs now are already designed to also perform a large variety of massage techniques like Swedish massage, Shiatsu and many more. You will be able to find a lot of massage chairs sold online and in actual stores that are made by world-renowned manufacturers like Sanyo, Panasonic, etc. These chairs also come in different materials, design, styles and some added features. So if you are planning to regularly get a massage but you do not want to constantly visit a spa or massage salon, this is a very good alternative to look into.

In general, massage therapy is definitely beneficial for people who suffer from stress, muscle tension, back pain, etc., like you. Although there are some minor disadvantages and risks involve, these are not enough to defy the benefits that it can offer to both the body and mind. As long as it is being performed by professional, trained and licensed therapists, you won’t have to worry so much because they exactly know what to do. But if you are using a massage chair, all you have to do is to make sure that the equipment is working properly and that you are also using it properly.

Shiatsu Massage: A Popular Massage Therapy Technique

If you are among those people who consider massage therapy as the best way to relax and loosen up, then you are probably aware that there are a lot of massage techniques/styles that a therapist can perform. These techniques differ on the stroke, the application of pressure or in other words, it is how they are performed that makes the techniques different from one another. One of the most popular technique at present and even before is the Shiatsu massage. This particular technique actually originated from Japan and this is when a therapist applies pressure to certain points of your body which are also known as acupressure points. During a Shiatsu massage, the therapist only use his/her fingers, palms and elbows to perform the massage and it may take up to an hour or more. If you get this type of massage technique even two times a week, it may eliminate arthritis pain, stiffness or the muscles, tension and joint pains. In other words, blood circulation in your body will be improved as well as your overall health condition. But how is a Shiatsu massage really being performed?

Unlike other massage techniques that are best performed on a massage bed or chair, Shiatsu is best performed when you are lying on the floor and you’re faced up. Then you’ll be required by the therapist to take a deep breath for approximately ten minutes so that oxygen can get inside your body and penetrate in your muscles. In this way, you will get a more comfortable massage. For about fifteen minutes, using his/her fingers and palms, the therapist will gently massage your head and your face to improve the blood circulation in such areas. By doing this, your face will be relaxed and will have a healthier glow.

After the head and face, the therapist will then move on to massaging your neck and shoulder area down to the arms and chest area. And this time, he/she will be using her/his palms and thumbs to apply light pressure in a circular and clockwise motion to open up your energy channels. Then down to the part where the kidneys are located for the purpose of helping the kidneys release the toxins from the body.

When the therapist is already done with those areas, next in line would be the legs and feet area. Massaging these parts may take up to about fifteen minutes and most of the time; the therapist’s elbows are going to be used. You will then be asked to rack back and forth or stretch your feet upwards together with your hand because this can also improve the blood circulation. After this, you can take a deep breath again for a couple of minutes before you slowly sit up. It would be better if you take a glass of water to help remove or flush the toxins out the body.

On the other hand, aside from massage therapists, Shiatsu massage can also be provided by massage chairs. If you try to shop around, you will be able to find a lot of massage chairs that are designed to also perform different massage techniques and styles. So if you are not able to visit a therapist, you can consider a massage chair as a good alternative.

Preparing for a Massage Interview – What Every Massage Therapist Should Know and Ask

Before you can start working as a massage therapist, you have to perform a massage interview to get the job, and interviewing for a massage position is quite different than most other interview processes. For many massage therapists, the first job they hold directly out of massage school is for a chiropractor, or a spa / salon owner instead of working as an independent contractor, and it’s important to know what to ask in order to accept the right position. Understanding if you will work as an employee or an independent contractor – especially when a massage therapist is beginning his or her practice – is helpful when deciding where to work.

Why You Need a Resume and Cover Letter When Interviewing for a Massage Position

While you will not be sitting at a desk or crunching numbers, you do need to prepare a resume and cover letter for your anticipated massage interview. Even though it is a non-traditional environment, your employer will want to see that you are a professional massage therapist who can represent himself or herself adequately, and a well-written cover letter can show that you have good communication skills – an invaluable asset when working with a diverse set of clients. Be sure to include information about your school, your modalities, and your intended certifications – the more a potential employer knows about you and your specific interests, the more you will stand apart from the rest of the crowd and the higher the likelihood that you will soon be interviewing for the massage position.

Coming in for a Massage Interview

When you receive a call to come in for an interview, prepare to actually give a massage. This might surprise some applicants, but you are interviewing for a massage position, and your employer wants to know what you can do and what your style is like. Because you want to be comfortable while giving the massage, be sure to wear an appropriate outfit for both a massage and an in-person interview. Often, clean, long black yoga pants and a collared shirt will do just fine. Unlike most interviews where applicants are expected to wear slacks and a button-down shirt, your potential employer will expect a massage therapist to be dressed for the test massage. Just to be sure, when you schedule the massage interview, ask over the phone what would be appropriate attire. Additionally, it is always a good idea to arrive at the massage interview fully prepared – a massage therapist should bring supplies to the interview such as sheets, and lotion or oil. While the interviewer will likely have these supplies on hand, it is always a good idea to be in control of the session by being fully prepared.

When interviewing for a massage position, depending on the size of the business, a human resources person or the owner will likely be the first person to sit down with you for a few moments and talk with you about your education and experience. During the massage interview, be prepared to talk about what you learned in school, what your strongest and weakest modalities are, what you envision for yourself as a massage therapist, and about your previous experience with clients. Then you will give a test massage, either an abbreviated (30 minutes or less) or standard (one hour) massage, showing your abilities to give Swedish and deep tissue massage. Interviewing for a massage position sometimes, but not often, involves you being asked to display competence in additional modalities that you have listed on your resume such as hot stone therapy, or sports massage.

It is important to be yourself during the massage interview. Just relax and give the same massage that you would give to a client. Do not be nervous, because it will come through in your touch. Your employer is looking to see your skill as a massage therapist, and the more natural and relaxed you are the better interviewing for the massage position will go.

Getting the Job and Working

If the massage interview goes well and you get the job, you will likely begin either as a full-time or part-time massage therapist. Be sure to speak with your employer up front about the method of compensation and your designation as either an employee or an independent contractor, because these are very different and can make a big impact on your revenue and tax filing at the end of the year. This is a very important question to ask when interviewing for the massage position as employees are expected to work during a set number of hours, can only work for one employer at a time, and must comply with the employer’s standards of service and instructions about how to deliver massage therapy. From a financial standpoint, make sure that you understand during the massage interview if you will be an employee, as employers pay the majority of the employee’s taxes, and the massage therapist is often eligible for benefits such as health insurance and paid vacation time.

Unlike employees, independent contractors are typically able to set their own hours, and are paid a percentage of the total revenue they bring into a business. They tend to have more flexibility about the type of massage protocol delivered and the types of services offered. If this is the type of work environment you have envisioned, you should establish this when interviewing for the massage position. For example, a massage therapist who is an employee at a large spa will be expected to adhere to the standard services as listed on a published menu of services but a contractor should legally have more flexibility. During the massage interview, ask if customers expect to receive a comparable massage regardless of which therapist they see, and if therapists are expected to closely maintain a massage protocol. If a massage therapist works as an independent contractor in a smaller spa or for a chiropractor, he or she is more likely to be able to decide upon which services to offer, the rate of the services, and the hours during which those services will be available. Another reason to clarify your status as an employee or contractor when interviewing for the massage position is because independent contractors are responsible for their own client records, and have control over those client records when and if they decide to leave their place of business. It’s important to understand this early on in the massage interview, because with this independence comes the expectation of independent costs – contractors do not have taxes paid for by their employers, and often pay a large amount of money out-of-pocket at the end of the year.

Longevity as a Massage Therapist (Employee or Contractor)

It is important to understand all of the different elements that go into interviewing for a massage position, and know which questions to ask before you get hired. In addition to being prepared to give a hands-on trial massage, you should also determine during the massage interview what your potential employer expects from you in terms of compensation, hours, employee status, massage type, and career ambitions. That way you can be sure to begin a long-term, profitable, and enjoyable job as a massage therapist, either as an employee or an independent contractor.

Added Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage therapy is a form of medical care performed on a patient during and after her pregnancy to help alleviate any form of body pain as well as improve and maintain a healthy disposition for the pregnant patient. This therapy reduces the risks of stress from physical and emotional factors affecting the patient that usually results to miscarriage or unhealthy pregnancy.

This type of therapy was developed many years ago as an aid for pregnant women and to improve the overall health of both the mother and the child. Pregnancy massage has long been used on hospitals and at home for these purposes for as long as one can care to remember. It focuses mainly on relaxing the expectant mother to avoid getting stressed out and to improve the blood and oxygen circulation of the mother and her baby.

The two different types of pregnancy massage both tackle the different stage of a mother and her child. The ante-natal is famous as a complementary medical aid and care for the expecting mother by making sure that she stays fit physically and mentally during the time of her pregnancy until she gives birth to her child. Postpartum rejuvenation is a follow-up treatment to regain form and get back on track for the mother after she gave birth. Both of these share the same goal of making the whole experience of having a child wonderful without worries. Below are the benefits of pregnancy massage on the patient:

Relief from stress – pregnancy is a blessing to most women, however it can also be a burdensome and bad experience to some expectant mothers as acquiring stress during this time is common. Women during this time are susceptible to any type of stress which also affects their mood.

Alleviates back pain – due to the heavy load of carrying a child for nine months, pregnant women suffers from chronic back pain. The difficulty in securing a good sleeping position also adds to the burden of having back pain during this time. Pregnancy massage releases muscle tension and helps soothe the muscle tissues as well as correct the musculoskeletal pains of the patient.

Increase circulation – like most types of massage therapies, this one also enhances the good circulation within the human body, however this time it’s not only for the mother but also for the baby. Good circulation ensures a healthy respiratory and good heart rate for patients, the mother and her child.

Provides emotional support – during massage therapy, touch stimulation on the pregnant patient helps a lot in providing a good circulation within the central nervous system which sends positive signals to the brain. In return, the brain sends back signals of good mood and positive emotions for the mother-to-be.

These are a few of the benefits a pregnant patient can expect to gain after some sessions of pregnancy massage. Mothers who just gave birth to their child can also benefit out of this massage therapy in the form of quick recovery and regaining of health and strength. However, never forget to get the advice of your doctor before adding this to your regular care.