Therapeutic Massage Overview
Therapeutic massage has the ability to make people feel relaxed and relieved after a session. The origins of massage can be dated back to 2700 BC where it was discovered to be used in several ancient cultures. The Chinese, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Indians all were documented using this type of massage. Hippocrates was also noted as writing about its benefits in the 5th century. Even with this rich history, not many people nowadays understand the beneficial effects of this process. It is used for healing, pain relief or control and helps each person’s overall wellness.
Therapeutic massages can be done in various ways. For instance, a deep tissue massage can highly alleviate the pain in several areas of the body, boost a person’s immune system, strengthen weak muscles, improve circulation, lessen depression, relieve tension and increase flexibility. There are also various other benefits associated with therapeutic massage but all can be summed up to increasing energy and eliminating fatigue.
There are a number of different methods within therapeutic massage, These methods or techniques include point pressure, kneading, distributed pressure, fixed pressure and moving pressure just to name a few. Professional massage therapists often use their hands, forearms, elbows, feet and knees to administer a massage. They may also use a special device or machine to assist during a massage session. Devices are commonly small hand held machines which provide percussion on various areas of the body and help to give a deeper tissue massage. Machine-assisted therapeutic massages are usually faster than manual massages and will cause less fatigue for the massage therapist.
It is most commonly known as a natural method of pain relief. During a massage endorphins are released which act as a pain killing agent. Endorphins are essentially a powerful natural drug which dulls pain and relaxes the mind. Additionally, therapeutic massage is able to loosen tight muscles by improving blood circulation throughout the body.
The lymph system is also positively affected in this massage. The lymph system is what feeds the cells of the body with nutrients and rids it of waste products. When a person experiences tight, aching and sore muscles this is often because the lymph system is starved of nutrients and oxygen. Essentially, this tightness in the muscles prevents the lymph system from working properly. It helps to dilate blood vessels which loosen muscles. This results in the lymph system restoring itself and successfully resuming the passing of nutrients and elimination of waste.
Healing is one very popular result of therapeutic massage and is a very common practice today amongst athletes and similarly physical individuals. Sore, injured and weak muscles will have a very negative effect in the long run on the body and it is important to continuously take care of and relieve the stress in these areas. Therapeutic massage is used to help relieve the pain encountered by physically active individuals. Overall, therapeutic massage is an old and ancient concept but is a beneficial need in this day and age.