Archive for the ‘ Massage Therapy ’ Category

Therapeutic Massage Overview

Therapeutic massage has the ability to make people feel relaxed and relieved after a session. The origins of massage can be dated back to 2700 BC where it was discovered to be used in several ancient cultures. The Chinese, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Indians all were documented using this type of massage. Hippocrates was also noted as writing about its benefits in the 5th century. Even with this rich history, not many people nowadays understand the beneficial effects of this process. It is used for healing, pain relief or control and helps each person’s overall wellness.

Therapeutic massages can be done in various ways. For instance, a deep tissue massage can highly alleviate the pain in several areas of the body, boost a person’s immune system, strengthen weak muscles, improve circulation, lessen depression, relieve tension and increase flexibility. There are also various other benefits associated with therapeutic massage but all can be summed up to increasing energy and eliminating fatigue.

There are a number of different methods within therapeutic massage, These methods or techniques include point pressure, kneading, distributed pressure, fixed pressure and moving pressure just to name a few. Professional massage therapists often use their hands, forearms, elbows, feet and knees to administer a massage. They may also use a special device or machine to assist during a massage session. Devices are commonly small hand held machines which provide percussion on various areas of the body and help to give a deeper tissue massage. Machine-assisted therapeutic massages are usually faster than manual massages and will cause less fatigue for the massage therapist.

It is most commonly known as a natural method of pain relief. During a massage endorphins are released which act as a pain killing agent. Endorphins are essentially a powerful natural drug which dulls pain and relaxes the mind. Additionally, therapeutic massage is able to loosen tight muscles by improving blood circulation throughout the body.

The lymph system is also positively affected in this massage. The lymph system is what feeds the cells of the body with nutrients and rids it of waste products. When a person experiences tight, aching and sore muscles this is often because the lymph system is starved of nutrients and oxygen. Essentially, this tightness in the muscles prevents the lymph system from working properly. It helps to dilate blood vessels which loosen muscles. This results in the lymph system restoring itself and successfully resuming the passing of nutrients and elimination of waste.

Healing is one very popular result of therapeutic massage and is a very common practice today amongst athletes and similarly physical individuals. Sore, injured and weak muscles will have a very negative effect in the long run on the body and it is important to continuously take care of and relieve the stress in these areas. Therapeutic massage is used to help relieve the pain encountered by physically active individuals. Overall, therapeutic massage is an old and ancient concept but is a beneficial need in this day and age.

The Benefits of Massage Loungers

The massage lounger, or the automatic massage chair as it is also known, represents a very accessible and convenient way for body massage. This product just provides amazing stress relief, improving the blood circulation and relaxing your muscles successfully. It is an amazing and easy way to get a quality massage in the coziness of your home. Why go out and pay for massage services when you can just enjoy them in the privacy of your personal home? You will also be able to save a great deal of money by using an automatic massage chair.

The massage loungers work using a number of electrical gears and motors. These pieces are used to massage the chair occupier. The automatic chairs usually come with a number of settings that you can enable or disable. These settings include speed, intensity or different massage presets. You can find chairs that have more options, but these are usually much more expensive. The price often times determines the quality when it comes to these products. There is no reason to go out and buy the most expensive one, customers have reported that the basic chairs do a great job and offer high satisfaction. If you want your massage chair to feature vibrations in localized spots and vibration intensities, then you need to buy a more expensive one.

The automatic massage chairs is a great way to relieve tension and stress. Everyone wants a device that can successfully relax them when they get home from a stressful day at work. This massage chair is the perfect solution for your problems, thanks to its amazing features and benefits. By using it you will not only be far more relaxed than you used to be, but you will also help to brighten your mood and improve your immune system.

Our lives are becoming more and more agitated. We work for longer hours than we used to and are much more open to distractions, thanks to the mobile phone technology. We can now be contacted at any time, no matter the place, no matter if we’re home or at work. Family, friends and coworkers will most certainly distract us during the day, reducing our stress managing ability lower and lower as fatigue starts to set in. Sometimes, we also find that sleep isn’t enough to fill our batteries for the next day. In such cases, the automatic massage chair is highly recommended.

Spinal Degeneration Not Only An Aging Process!

“Joints don’t break down with age alone, but rather with disuse, misuse, or no use. It just so happens as we get older we have more and more opportunity to do less and less”. Murray Allen, M.D.

Despite medicine’s best efforts, degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis, continues to be one of our society’s most common – and tragic – degenerative diseases. By age 30, about one third of the population will show osteoarthritic changes on spinal x-ray, and by 70 years of age degenerative joint disease is almost universal.

The prevalence of osteoarthritis has lead to two widespread misconceptions. Many people attribute back or neck pain to the presence of spinal degeneration. Similarly, many believe spinal degeneration is a normal and inevitable aging process. Both these traditional beliefs are now starting to be questioned as more, and better, research is expanding our knowledge of this condition.

Although recent medical research has identified a possible genetic component to certain forms of osteoarthritis in certain individuals, spinal degeneration is still considered largely a “wear and tear” condition. In the simplest terms, the spine is comprised of vertebra separated from one another by discs (analogous to cushions or sponges). As we age, these discs undergo subtle biochemical changes resulting in a loss of thickness and cushioning ability. Evidence now suggests these biochemical alterations in the disc may be a product of chronic undernourishment due to faulty spinal mechanics, rather than an inevitable part of the aging phenomenon. Faulty spinal mechanics is primarily the result of accidents, microtrauma and postural distortions. Trauma and abnormal posture produces malalignment of the spine, further contributing to spinal wear and tear.

The major significance of spinal osteoarthritis, however, lies in its effect on the nervous system. Studies show even minor changes in spinal configuration – the beginning stages of the degeneration process – result in compromise of the spinal cord and associated nerve function. As the arthritic changes progress in severity so does nervous system compromise. The potential implications of this are enormous, as science confirms the nervous system controls every tissue, organ and system in the body. For example, evidence shows there is a direct connection between the nervous and immune systems.

The process of spinal degeneration may not be an inevitable part of aging. This is evident from the fact many older people have healthy, well-preserved discs and no sign of disc or joint degeneration. Yet severe degenerative change can be seen in young adults if there has been trauma or prolonged, abnormal spinal stress, such as the result of postural distortion and malalignment.

Chiropractic care can significantly benefit osteoarthritis sufferers by gradually improving movement in dysfunctional joints and through restoring normal spinal curves and alignment. In addition to relieving pain, chiropractic may also assist in preventing further degeneration from occurring. The most important contribution chiropractic care can have to spinal health, however, may lie in prevention. Through maintaining optimum joint movement and spinal alignment, regular chiropractic care can help prevent spinal degeneration from starting in the first place.

Massage Therapy Jobs

Massage therapy jobs are a great fit for people who are outgoing and friendly, and who enjoy improving people’ lives and developing relationships with clients. They also offer a bright employment picture, at least for the foreseeable future, as well as a chance in many instances for people to choose their own schedules and working hours.

When you graduate from a formal massage training program and pass the exam to get your license, you have the option of either going to work for an established massage business or going into private practice. This may be the most important choice you make early on. Don’t get too stressed about the choice, however; if you choose to go into private practice and it’s not working out, you could always apply to get hired somewhere else. And if you work for someone else and you don’t like the work setting, you could always quit and start working for yourself.

One of the main benefits of working for yourself is that you can set your own schedule. You can also work at home, inviting the general public in for a massage somewhere in your house. This way, you don’t have to pay for daycare if you have kids, and your work setting might be more relaxed. Or you could choose to travel around to other people’s homes and give them massages there. Either way, the only way you can be profitable is if you market yourself effectively. Set aside money to pay for ads in local publications, or on TV if you can afford it. Set up a business Facebook page, advertise on friends’ websites, and make sure your own company website is as attractive and search engine-friendly as possible. (If you don’t know how to make a site search engine-friendly, hire an advisor to help you or read up on the subject as much as you can.) You also want to treat every customer like he or she is very special to you-which that person should be. Be friendly, cheerful and accommodating. That way, this person will recommend you to his or her relatives and friends. Word of mouth is crucial in the early years for any business, and that’s especially true of massage therapy.

The great thing about working for someone else, on the other hand, is that all you have to do is show up for work and practice your craft. You don’t have to worry about balancing the budget, attracting new customers, what your legal responsibilities are, or about the upkeep of your equipment. Many people feel uncomfortable inviting the general public into their homes, especially for something as intimate as a massage. And some people would feel unsafe going into the homes of strangers. Plus, sometimes it’s nice not to be at home all day. Many people enjoy getting up and going somewhere else for work, and interacting with colleagues as well as with clients. The choice is entirely personal, however, so think the issue over carefully before you arrive at a decision.

Massage for Your Teen

If you started to massage your teen as a child, you can continue to do so as long as you both are comfortable with it. If you have never massaged your child, your teen may prefer you taking him or her to a certified massage therapist. (With teens who have never been given a massage as a child, this is pretty much a guarantee.)

Your teen has a lot of stress in his or her life. He/she is busy with school and homework, may be into sports or other after school curricular activities, hold a job, help around the house, etc. He or she may be worried about getting his/her driver’s license. Learning how to drive and knowing you could fail your driver’s test is a huge stress maker!

Your teen can benefit from massages. It is a good idea to set three to five times a week aside to give your teenager a massage. You can have the massages be as little as fifteen minutes if you so choose.

Find a comfortable and quiet place to perform the massage on your teen. Make this your special quiet time together. You may use essential oils to give the best massage as possible. Plus, the oils will seep into the skin helping your teen benefit even more.

When you give your child the gift of a routine massage you are benefiting his/her health not only mentally but physically as well. When your child is under stress, the stress hormones kick in making it hard for the body to stay healthy. Your child may become sick as the good cells are being taken over and making your child ill.

Your child will be able to focus on schoolwork, his/her job, homework, etc., when he/she is relaxed. You may see your child’s grades improve after you start to give him/her a massage a few times per week.

You may decide to give your child a sports massage, deep tissue massage, Trager massage, hot stone massage, etc.

The hot stone massage is extremely relaxing. Specific hot stones are used for different key parts of the body. The hot stones are made out of basalt which is a rock that is rich in iron. Due to the iron, the hot stones retain heat. Since the hot stones are so smooth due to being smoothed over by the river’s current, you can also take the hot stones and use them to massage parts of your teen’s body during massage time.

To heat the stones you will need to immerse them in water. You will then heat the stones in an electric heating device. Once your teen’s muscles are very relaxed, you can apply much deeper pressure if your teen needs it. Your teen will benefit from the warmth of the hot stones as they will improve his or her circulation and calm his/her nervous system.

Have peace of mind knowing you are helping your child in a loving and caring manner. You will feel very proud when your child is a happier and healthier person.

Massage for Children With Disabilities

Children with disabilities can benefit greatly from massages. Whether the child is in a wheelchair, Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., he or she will have an improved life with massages.

Due to one of the facts that children with disabilities often have muscular problems. Many times children that have muscular problems have a difficult time sleeping at naptime and/or at night. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you as a parent, enjoyed more sleep since your child was sleeping better? You need to take care of yourself as you are one of the main caregivers to your child with a disability.

If your child acts out with aggressive behaviors he or she will learn better behavioral ways to manage his or her anger. Thus, making you a happier parent and your child much happier as well.

Learning how to give your child a massage is a wonderful gift you can give your child as well as yourself. The two of you will feel closer. You may talk softly during this time or let your child relax with soft music or complete silence. You can vary this as well once you get into a massage routine. When you touch your child you are showing your child how much you care for him or her.

When you first start to give your child a massage remember never to force the situation. You want the massage session to relax your child, not stress him or her out. You may have to start out slowly with only one to two minutes and gradually adding on more time. It may help to set a timer for your child to visualize and hear when the massage is over. If your child is leery at first, you may have him or her sit down and gently rub his/her shoulders. You could also try slowly rubbing your fingers on his/her head. If he or she is accepting of this, you may try to run your fingers through his/her hair in small circular motions. Every day add on two minutes to your child’s massage time.

If your child with a disability is not sensitive to smells you may want to add aroma therapy to your massage session. Lavender is a good calming scent to use during your child’s massage time. You may find electric candles to light as well if you want to turn down the lights in your home for a more relaxing setting. You may need to show your child the electric candle ahead of time so he or she is not completely focused on the candle instead of relaxing and enjoying the massage you are giving him or her.

You may choose to use essential oils to make the massage feel smoother and leave your child’s skin nice and soft. Using essential oils are especially wonderful in the winter months when skin can become dry and irritated.

Once your child gets used to you giving him or her massages, you can incorporate hot stones into the massage. Learn how to use different types of stones and which hot stones are used on different parts of the body.

How Massage Therapy Can Improve Your Health

There are so many ways Massage Therapy can benefit you. A healthy body relies on the happy co-operation of the body’s skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems – and this type of bodywork benefits all of these. In addition, the tone and condition of the skin improves.
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Massage affects you physically, emotionally and physiologically. It is very relaxing and helps to dissipate fatigue and muscle strain. It can also improve your immunity to disease, by increasing the white blood cells. Improved oxygenation helps the tissues to receive the nourishment they need and elimination improves, often with accompanying reduction in water retention.

Relief from headaches, anxiety and insomnia can also occur. Scar tissue is sometimes seen to reduce and regular healing bodywork can help you recover after an operation. By improving muscle tone and balance, the physical stress placed on bones and joints is improved.

If your work involves long hours of standing on hard floors, lifting heavy objects or having to sit for lengthy periods, you may end up with back pain, tense shoulders and other uncomfortable symptoms. Repetitive strain can result from remaining in the same position for unnatural amounts of time.

If your joints tend to be stiff from too much or too little exercise and you suffer from various aches and pains, regular massage could be very helpful. Massage is very useful for dancers, sports people and others who rely on their body being in tip top condition for their work.

Even babies can derive great benefit from a massage. In ancient cultures, such as in India, it was common practice to gently rub oil into an infant’s limbs, to assist its health and benefit the joints and skin. Research conducted on children who had been massaged daily by their parents showed a marked increase in their health.

Some of the more difficult effects of aging can be ameliorated by good physical therapy. Sessions are often a welcome addition to the care provision in hospices, because of its deeply calming effects.

Psychological difficulties like depression can be alleviated. The beneficial effects on the body’s system help to promote positive and healthy mental states, partly because of hormones (endorphins) released by the process.

The word in Arabic which means ‘to knead bread’ is the origin of our word ‘massage.’ Sessions include applying kneading movements to the muscles as well and more direct pressure to the deeper tissues.
During a session, the therapist will rub and knead muscles to dissolve the tension and soreness stored in them. Traditional strokes have names like ‘effleurage’ (a gentle stroking, sweeping motion), ‘petrissage’ which deeply kneads and squeezes the underlying muscles and ‘tapotement’, or ‘hacking’ which applies rhythmic percussive movements, using the sides of the hands, the fingertips or cupped hands which stimulate the body.

Preventative care is crucial to maintain good health. A regular physical therapy session will calm and revitalise you, so improving the function of your whole system. If you need a bit of time just to relax or need advice and help with a health problem, massage could help you in building a more naturally healthy and productive lifestyle.

Incorporate A Healthy Lifestyle With Regular Massage Therapies

Do you love getting a massage? Yes? Great! With so many health benefits attached, therapeutic massage is certainly capturing the attention of large chunk of the population. So keep on pampering yourself with a massage as often as possible!

Just the other day I visited a massage therapist as I was feeling tremendously worn out. Trust me, it felt so soothing that I forgot I was ever tired!

A massage feels as good as it sounds. It certainly has long term benefits, and is enjoyed by women and men as well. It is widely accepted that a great massage relaxes your muscles also enhances flexibility. A massage gets rid of various aches and pains, provides instant relaxation and creates a sense of well-being. Some people claim that regular massages have reduced a variety of their joint and muscle complaints. Whatever the reason may be, massage feels good, and certainly works better than a tranquilizer.

Yeah, we all get massages once in while, but what’s new about it?

* Promotes Sleep – Yes, that’s true! A nice, intense massage boosts restful sleep. This is great news for all those people suffering from insomnia, as one could now fall asleep without taking heavy doses of sleeping pills.

* Maintains Blood Pressure – Massage helps to reduce fluctuations in the blood pressure by providing healthful relaxation.

* Improves Blood Circulation – A massage improves the flow of blood ensuring you a healthy, radiant body.

* Support Muscle Health – It relieves muscle spasms, soreness and tensions, resulting in all over relaxation of the muscles. It also expels excess lactic acid from the body.

* Reduces Severe Body Aches – You will notice a significant reduction of headaches, back aches, shoulder, neck pain etc within just few sessions of massage therapy. It reduces fatigue and leaves you feel absolutely fresh and spirited.

* Revives Immune System – Your immune system boosts up, and becomes strong enough to fight a host of infections and diseases.

* Massages, a Medicine – Many people consider massage the best method to maintain personal health.

* Healing Effects – People suffering from mood swings and depression get significant benefit by massage therapy. This therapy makes you feel good physically and mentally. Say goodbye to those anti-depressant pills!

* Customize Your Massage Therapies – You can get your massage therapy customized and ask the therapist to focus on certain body parts in order to improve specific health conditions. A qualified massage therapist can provide you with all that. You can choose from many types of massage; Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, prenatal massage therapy, sports massage etc.

For those of you who have never had a massage, or want to experience the benefits of massage, call a well-trained, qualified, reliable and experienced massage therapist in Stockton California. Refresh Medspa has some of the best massage therapists. This therapy is provided in a calm, comfortable and private environment allowing you to relax and rejuvenate your mind and body.

Learn Massage Therapy For A Successful Career

The health care field is one of the fastest growing sectors in today’s economy; and as part of this industry, massage therapy is projected to experience faster than average growth. If you want to work in the field of health care, and enjoy helping patients, but you don’t want to spend years in medical or nursing school, you may want to learn about massage.

Massage therapists use the science and art of touch to manipulate the soft-tissues and muscles of the body. Massage improves circulation, muscle tone and promotes general overall health. Training in massage therapy focuses on its rehabilitative effects. Massage is used for variety of conditions, to treat painful ailments, overworked muscles, reduce stress, and to rehabilitate injuries. As a licensed massage therapist you can work in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, health care facilities, sports clinics and fitness studios. You also have the option to travel to your patient’s home or workplace. Doctors, physiotherapists and chiropractors often recommend massage therapy for specific health conditions; in addition, health insurance companies support the practice of it in many instances.You can typically complete training for massage within a few months. A quality therapy program will prepare you for a career as a licensed massage therapist.

If you choose to train in this field you have the option of learning more than 80 different types of massage, from Swedish massage, deep-tissue massage, reflexology, and acupressure, to sports massage, and neuromuscular massage. The type of massage you use will depend on your client’s health needs and physical condition. You may apply specific techniques for the elderly, and others for athletes. There are also forms of massage for pregnant mothers, new mothers and even infants. When you learn massage therapy you will also learn how to use aids such as oils, antiseptics, creams, salt glows, herbal preparations, and hot and cold packs to enhance the benefits of the massage.

Keep in mind that giving massages can be physically demanding; if you want to give massages you should be in good physical condition and health. It is important that you train to use proper techniques to avoid injury while at work. The repetitive movements you use and fatigue from standing long hours can be very taxing on your body. You can lessen your risk of injury by using proper massage techniques, spacing enough time between your massage sessions, and by staying in good shape. You should also consider getting a regular massages yourself from another licensed therapist.

The Advantages of Doing Massage Therapy Courses

People might not know it but learning massage therapy courses has got so many advantages than you could possibly imagine. Some of us think that if a person includes this in his lifestyle he may belong to those who have good economic and social status in life. But that is not always the case because everyone can definitely enjoy massage therapy and if you become knowledgeable in this area you might wan to put up a business on your own, work as a therapist or help heal everyone around you with your hands that can bring magic.

Historically speaking, Egypt is known to have created the modern type of massage therapy being practiced now. The techniques have been handed down from one generation to the next and many cultures have adopted this and added more styles and methods of doing so. It is said that massage can be used for healing purposes as well as pleasure. Japan, China and India are among the other countries which have contributed to the different techniques of doing massage these days and now the entire world is practicing this.

Massage therapy uses touch as a form of healing. Different types of pressure are applied in certain areas of the body. Stroking, kneading, rubbing and pressing are among the common movements that comprise a massage. It is not supposed to cure but only to alleviate stress, tension and injury. The reason why getting a massage makes you feel good is that touch techniques have been known to offer some great benefits to our body. Our nerves automatically respond to the stimuli and if a good touch is perceived our body reacts by releasing hormones, relaxing the muscles and so many others. That is why getting yourself enrolled in a massage therapy course would be of great advantage to you as you would know the correct way to do it.

Almost everyone loves to pamper themselves once in a while and getting a massage therapy is one way to do so. Moreover, if you learn the massage therapy courses you will have an edge to others as you will become more knowledgeable on the proper way to perform it. Not everyone knows how to use the power of touch but you can definitely learn how to. Maybe it is time to promote wellness in today’s generation as almost everybody is so busy with their lives. It is definitely a good way for them to get away from stress and be taken away by the hands that heal.