Archive for November, 2010

Pediatric Massage for Healthcare Providers

Providing massage and touch therapy is within the scope of practice of many health care providers including physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists. However, massage is not frequently practiced by these practitioners because of time constraints or lack of comfort with providing massage therapy. Qualified practitioners, who practice massage therapy for pediatric clients, and patients, provide numerous benefits to the child and improve their family’s satisfaction with the care their child receives. This compassionate care can also contribute to a positive healing environment, which has been shown to improve the satisfaction of members of the health care team.

The physical, psychological and emotional benefits of touch for infants, children and pediatric patients who are hospitalized have been well documented in published research studies. Equally documented are the effects of touch deprivation for hospitalized children.

Many health care providers have explored the use of massage for particular populations of children with special health care needs. Overall, the evidence that massage provides global benefits to a child’s health far outweighs any evidence of negative effects.

There are numerous benefits for infants and children contributed to the use of massage and touch therapy. Some studies also show that infants diagnosed with complex medical conditions may find greater benefit from the intervention of massage therapy. Evidence has shown that infants have increased healthy weight gain and respiratory function after they receive appropriate nurturing touch. Their time spent in the hospital has been decreased. Even the amount of time it takes to fall asleep shortens. The length of time the child stays asleep and how deeply, also improves with massage therapy.

For children with special healthcare needs massage therapy is often used to improve muscle tone, joint mobility and respiratory functions. Additionally, as in infants, we also see improved respiration and sleep patterns. And, with the use of specific massage techniques gastrointestinal function improves (regular bowel movements). There are a number of children who are hospitalized simply due to constipation. Massage may be able to change this unfortunate situation.

As someone who cares for infants and young children, in a healthcare environment, surely you may wish to include appropriate nurturing touch into your daily care for the children in your setting. It is important to consider your role as a healthcare provider and consider providing hands-on care, as well as education to encourage families to provide this same care for their children when they are home. Becoming certified in pediatric massage therapy will provide you with the skills necessary to safely and effectively apply hands-on pediatric massage for children who are well, hospitalized or have special healthcare needs. If you receive your certification as an infant massage teacher, you will have the opportunity to provide families with information and hands-on lessons, so parents feel confident in providing massage for their own child. By encouraging and supporting nurturing touch you foster mutual respect, communication and understanding that lasts a lifetime.

Ten Little Known Types of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been practiced in some form in almost every region of the world. It has a long history in traditional forms of medicine. This therapy has continually changed and evolved over the years giving rise to new types of therapies. Everyone has heard of Swedish massage and sports massage, but there are well over one hundreds types of massage therapy. Let’s take a look at some of the ancient and newer therapies that you may not know about.

AcroSage combines principles of shiatsu and yoga. During a session of this high-flying therapy the therapist massages you while balancing you in the air on his feet. This therapy is great for spinal decompression and stretching the entire body.

Active Release Technique or ART is a therapeutic soft tissue therapy that is movement based. This treatment is ideal for lengthening short muscles and addressing issues of chronic pain.

Bamboo Massage is a deep tissue massage during which the therapist uses warm bamboo sticks to massage you instead of her hands.

Breema is a Kurdish type of bodywork that is similar to Thai massage.

Hilot is a form bodywork that is used in traditional Filipino medicine. In this therapy you are covered with warm banana leaves before the session to warm up the muscles. The massage is usually preformed with coconut oil.

Hoshino therapy is a type of acupressure that specifically addresses the hardening of muscles and tendons around the joints.

Kahuna massage is a traditional Hawaiian massage that is based on the movements of a dance.

PUSH Therapy uses minimal force to affect deep-lying muscles. This therapy combines bodywork with aspects of martial arts.

Watsu is a form of shiatsu done in a pool of warm water.

Zero Balancing combines energy work with soft tissue manipulation to align your energetic fields while aligning your physical body.

Hot Stone Therapy: A Treatment for Infertility?

We all think that once we are happily married and ready to have a baby we will simple get pregnant and voila! There’s a happy, healthy baby. However many couples find to their dismay and heartache that’s not always the case. When couples have trouble conceiving, they may consider going to a fertility clinic after they’ve tried other options. However, did you know that in some cases infertility could be addressed by a professional massage therapist? That is right…it is possible to increase your chances for reproduction through a massage therapy session. Why? Well, medically, massages help increase blood flow to the uterine region… blood flow that could help the uterus function better. And it also helps the women to relax and all of the system in our body respond better when we are in a relaxed state of mind.

Yet, what if a woman loves hot stone therapy… the type of massage where heated stones are used instead of a therapist’s hands? Can that offer similar benefits? It depends on who you ask. Holistic doctors would probably encourage Chinese fertility massage. With this type of massage, the principles of acupressure are addressed, which helps free up the body’s energy.

However, some massage therapists are very sensitive to metaphysical philosophies when performing their massages. In fact, one of the propagators of hot stone therapy, Mary Nelson, even based her special “LaStone Therapy” training on these belief systems.

In addition, a hot stone massage adds heat to the affected area. When this happens, circulation improves. This is vital for good health, especially in the reproductive region. Combine this with the concepts of acupressure, and a woman could substantially increase her chances that such therapy could help get her body revved up for conception.

But there is one factor that should also be considered. If a woman does become pregnant, it may be dangerous for her temperature to rise. This is why women are often told not to take long hot baths or go to saunas in their latter stages of pregnancy. Yet, that’s the ultimate keyword here… ‘later.’ Hot stone therapy probably wouldn’t have an effect in an early pregnancy, since there are many massage therapists that will do the procedure during this time. Then there are others that won’t do it at all, just to be on the safe side.

Either way, you will want to keep a close eye on your body during the time you get hot stone therapy. If you miss your period, get a pregnancy test as soon as possible. Don’t undergo any more hot stone therapy until you get the approval from your gynecologist. And, if they feel uncomfortable with you doing that type of massage, simply tell the masseuse to give you a more ‘traditional’ treatment. Save the hot stone until after the baby is born. Sure, you won’t get some of the additional health benefits, but your child’s development is much more important.

Why Choose The Swedish Modality Therapy

If you are considering making an appointment to visit a Las Vegas massage therapy center, before doing so you should familiarize yourself with the different modalities or techniques that may be offered. One of the most popular options is the Swedish modality. This was designed by Henri Peter Ling at the University of Stockholm way back in 1812.

Originally it was prescribed as a treatment for gymnasts after they had pulled or strained a muscle. Fast forward to today and we see that it is an option that has never waned in popularity. In fact the Swedish modality is perhaps the most common form of massage now available and it also is used as the basis for many other techniques.

Swedish massage therapy is often described as being a soft touch massage and one that helps to promote relaxation in both physical and mental form. We all are aware that stress can have a very real toll on our well being. By undergoing massage therapy it is possible to drastically decrease the amount of anxiety that is felt.

The Swedish modality utilizes a number of different strokes that provide healing and rejuvenation for tired, sore, or damaged muscles. It is known to enhance oxygen absorption which in turn improves blood circulation as well as minimizing the time required for any injured muscles to recover in full. Also it is believed to accelerate the speed at which the body detoxifies itself. Do not think that it is an option only for people who suffer from real physical pain, it is also worth considering if you want to acquire immediate relaxation and stress relief.

The actual techniques that make up the Swedish form of massage are varied. Your therapist may include gliding, kneading, tapping, and vibrations to bring about the results that you desire. Each stroke would have a number of variations for different effect. One of the most well known is referred to as effleurage, this is a stroke that requires the use of the thumbs or entire hand to massage in one encompassing motion all the way from the neck to the base of the spine. Often effleurage would be given at the outset of a sitting so that the therapist can become familiar with the condition of the recipient’s body.

Another interesting component of this modality is tapotement. This stroke can be described as a drumming like motion on the body. Percussive taps are given which help to remove muscle tension. Tapotement is usually carried out with the edge of the palm or fingertips.

Friction strokes are used where deep healing and relaxation are a priority. They would generally involve circular strokes with the tips of the fingers. It is the best option for removing muscle knots.

Other concepts that make up the Swedish modality include petrissage strokes. This is given to help improve blood flow. If you suffer from any lower back pain then ask the Las Vegas massage therapy professional whether vibration techniques can be used as these are known to help release contracted muscles.

Massage Therapy As Stress Buster

Massage therapy has survived the modernization of medical equipment in providing relief from stress. Since ancient civilizations, touch therapy have been regarded highly for encouraging healing and relaxation. This therapy involves the use of the hands, feet, or other tools like heated rocks and glass tumblers to knead soft tissues of any part of the body subjected to stress or in chronic pain. This is effective as pressured is being pressed into these soft tissues to make them tender and more pliant improving circulation and easing tensed tissues to a more relaxed state.

Stress in everyday living is no surprise for people always on the go or beating the clock. The demands of daily activities at work and home can really be a work load to modern life. Stress can have many forms. The most common type is the physical stress that the body is being subjected to when it accepts the physical activities and strains when you are performing a job. At the end of the day, you can feel the heaviness upon your shoulder and the persistent pain at your lower back. These areas of the body are the most common stress points that manifest pain when they have been overworked or used improperly. Poor posture and bad body mechanics also contributes to the stress levels of your back and shoulders.

Another typical form of stress is the psycho-emotional stress that you are going through when you feel depressed, agitated, or simply feeling low. The stress hormones can get activated when your mindset is also negative or you are feeling sad emotions for unexpected events. Even people who are physically ill can also be subject to emotional stress as they feel more inactive and secretes lesser endorphins due to prolonged periods of rest. Happy hormones gets activated by being active and being in a hospital or your own bed for far too long does not help in releasing these happy hormones into the bloodstream.

Not enough sleep or rest can also contribute to stress levels. The time to sleep is the only period when the body can replenish, repair, and rejuvenate itself from the daily battles of stress. Lessen the sleeping or resting period can only increase the stress hormones inside the system.

The gradual accumulation of stress brought about emotional, physical, psychological or conditional factors can get worse if not treated properly and on a periodic basis. You might be surprised to find out that spas and massaging salons are constantly packed with individuals who schedule their weekly or monthly Massage sessions to ease their stress levels. Having Massage therapies have greatly improved the threshold of stress levels of these individuals. They also claim to have better performance in their daily demands than ever before without feeling pressured too much. They have more restful sleep and lesser slip ups at work.

These people know the great healing and relaxing powers of touch therapy and are living much healthier and balanced lives. Stress busting has never been easier to do with Massage therapy.

Pain Relief – Understanding Your Body

Many Denver massage clinics have assisted people throughout the years in their pain relief, not only by working on them but also through self care education. Lets take a close look at one way each of us can help our own personal battle with muscle pain.

Often times when we are in pain all we can think of is getting out of it, but also many times with this comes a sense of helplessness. You will discover that a high number of Denver massage therapists recognize that several people have a hard time with owning their pain, believing they have any control over making it better. This is where things must change, in order for someone to truly break that pain cycle they must start to take ownership over the pain. This is not an easy task but none the less must be accomplished to live the quality of life that is desired.

It’s similar to an overweight individual wanting to lose weight. We all know that this weight loss never happens until the person takes responsibility for their actions and starts making better choices. Yes, there are others that can help in the process like a personal trainer, much like a Denver massage therapist can help in the pain relief for their clients, but these clients must be making better choices day to day. So this is where the ever feared word of change comes into play, and the best road to permanent change is awareness and acceptance of what it is that needs to be changed in the first place.
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So what is this step? This answer – deep breathing! Yes that’s right, you may be thinking to yourself how is this going to help me with my neck pain, back pain, hip pain, or whatever pain it may be. Take a moment to understand what deep “diaphragmatic” breathing will do. This type of breathing is an action of the diaphragm which is a muscle deep within the abdomen.

As children we all come into the world using our diaphragm to breath, one way you can see this is taking notice of a child’s belly, and how it comes outward each and every time they breath in. Think of it like a glass that is being filled up with water, the air being the water, as the air fills the diaphragm it expands causing the stomach to do the same and then flattening back out while breathing out. Most people do not use this muscle hardly at all while breathing which than causes them to stress breath, tightening up in their neck, upper back, and upper trapezius which now leads into headaches and other muscle tightness.

One of the Denver massage locations had a client who’s life was completely changed by this one action. It made her realize that she did have some control over the pain. The combination of deep diaphragmatic breathing techniques and massage gave her the quality of life back that she had not had for many years.

What we do know, is that this is a very powerful technique that will work to different levels depending upon each individual and how serious they take it into consideration, other action steps they may be incorporating along with it, and being truly committed to taking themselves out of the prison of pain.

Understanding that there are always alternatives to self pain relief and taking full ownership of what is going on with your body has given many Denver massage clients the ability to use these techniques to improve their overall health.